The Ewotopia Story and Purpose

Empowering you, today’s new generation of parents

ewo (n) – infant’s pronunciation for ‘hero’; translation for ‘hero’ in the Haitian language

The beginning of Ewotopia was intended directly for you, the millenial parent, and our aspiration to help the new generation of parents be their kids’ greatest heroes.

Our promise to you is to give you the peace of mind knowing that Ewotopia only provides carefully-vetted, quality education content and products that bring joyful and cherishable experiences to your child(ren).

Ewotopia’s plan to achieve its vision in aiding millennial parents through the parenting journey is three-fold.

1) Provide a learning platform for you to learn about the newest parenting insights and topics.

2) Create a collaborative community where you can network with, help, and learn from other parents.

3) Engrave memorable, amazing, and lasting experiences in your children by creating and delivering exceptional kids products.


Ewotopia wants to serve the new generation of parents by being the desired go-to place for all your parenting and kids needs in a philanthropic, community-driven and educational manner.

Ewotopia supports a global human cause to create a tangible impact on children across the globe through our Heroes for Kids Profit Sharing program. We want to help you be your kids hero, while making a difference for children in less fortunate places.